These are challenging times and there is a lot of stress, worry and responsibility. People are becoming more and more disconnected from each other, living in their own worlds and separating themselves from the source of Power. The only effective tool that can unite and heal this is Love. We can find this Love within ourselves.
Connecting to this Love within us and unselfishly sharing it with others opens a very powerful channel. Through this channel a strong flow of energy enters our hearts, helping us to discover our hidden talents and healing creativity, to accept ourselves for who we are, and to find our soul family. I am so glad that you are here. My strong wish is that our connection will sustain and inspire you. At this dynamic moment in our human evolution, finding and maintaining distinctive and meaningful connections is crucial. Please know that you are respected, loved and cherished in this space, in all that you are!
I offer my work to you and to the world. I have been traveling the world and helping people in 36 countries for the last 30 years. I am always available and I will guide you and help you all the way. We can create a space of Love, joy and harmony over all the Earth with open hearts and kindness in our souls.
The Energy Medicine of the Sampo System awakens forces in the individual that bring stability, joy, enthusiasm to life and a greater vitality to your body, mind and spirit! Balancing energy will balance your body chemistry, regulate your hormones, and help you to feel better and to think better. The Sampo System uses techniques from time-tested traditions such as psychoenergetics, yoga, qigong, and meditation.
The Energy Medicine of the Sampo System awakens forces in the individual that bring stability, joy, enthusiasm to life and a greater vitality to your body, mind and spirit! Balancing energy will balance your body chemistry, regulate your hormones, and help you to feel better and to think better. The Sampo System uses techniques from time-tested traditions such as psychoenergetics, yoga, qigong, and meditation.
The Energy Medicine of the Sampo System awakens forces in the individual that bring stability, joy, enthusiasm to life and a greater vitality to your body, mind and spirit! Balancing energy will balance your body chemistry, regulate your hormones, and help you to feel better and to think better. The Sampo System uses techniques from time-tested traditions such as psychoenergetics, yoga, qigong, and meditation.
1. Shamanic Diagnostic of Soul Awakening – call to the Spirits to reveal your highest destiny and purpose in this life. Evaluation of how far your path has awakened in you, and what further steps can be taken
2. Shamanic Healing of Relationships – a diagnosis of the beliefs and negative ideas about yourself and others that can sabotage your communication and your ability to communicate love and understanding in your intimate relationships, friendships and work relationships
3. Shamanic Diagnostic of Self Perception – what self beliefs, internal thoughts and influence of the way that you were raised is affecting how you show up and manifest in your life now
4. Shamanic Healing of Emotional Trauma – gyud session to rewrite the effects of past emotional traumas
5. Shamanic Prediction for finding a Soulmate – a look to the Akashic Records to see how your previous soul incarnations are affecting your ability to find your soul mate in this life
6. Shamanic return of vitality of Life power – diagnosis of what is causing you to lose power and vitality, affecting your health and ability to achieve your goals
7. Shamanic Healing of Destructive Habits – call to the Spirits to find solutions to habits and patterns that cause you to lose power and hope in your life
8. Shamanic Diagnostic of Light Worker – a journey to your previous incarnations to see what talents you developed previously, and how you can completely awaken your inner wisdom and power to truly manifest as a Light Worker in this important time when the world needs your help
Master Abhay Oyun has been helping people around the world for over 25 years, regularly participating in charity events in more than 36 countries. Abhay Oyun and those who help him go to the aid of everyone who is in trouble or asks for support. Elderly people, children, lonely, homeless, survivors of violence, seriously ill, disabled people, and others…
All Abhay Oyun’s helpers know that he will never pass by a homeless person or a begging grandmother, by a dog or kitten left on the street. He often gives away the clothes, which he wears, the food that he has with him.
The master with helpers cleans forests, lakes, rivers, and seas from the garbage. Organizes funds for the protection of fire-dangerous regions. Creates shelters and inspires thousands of people to help homeless animals and beasts affected by fires, drought, and poaching.
When the Master is invited to the media and asked: “Why are you helping everyone?”
He says: There are no big or small deals, just as there is no one’s own and someone else’s misfortune. It was Master Abhay with the volunteers who participated in extinguishing forest fires in Australia, Yakutia, and Turkey in recent years.
The Master always says: The energy of kindness and care returns to you, amplified hundreds of times. You can start with the simplest things. Let’s make our world kinder and happier together!
Over the past 23 years, Abhay Oyun has been traveling all over the world and transferring knowledge to people. Workshops, individual meetings with people, and conferences are only 10% of his life.
The rest of the time he is busy looking for poor families, abandoned, sick, and destitute people, and helps them. Abhay Oyun gives them emotional warmth and organizes their lives. From a simple bag of food and a blanket to the construction of nursing homes, homes for children with disabilities, and animal shelters.
Abhay Oyun often becomes a participant in large conferences, which many people attend. The organizers of such meetings feel his kind and strong heart. The Master gives people hope, strength, and inspiration to make this world more harmonious and happier!
The rest of the time he is busy looking for poor families, abandoned, sick, and destitute people, and helps them. Abhay Oyun gives them emotional warmth and organizes their lives. From a simple bag of food and a blanket to the construction of nursing homes, homes for children with disabilities, and animal shelters.
The rest of the time he is busy looking for poor families, abandoned, sick, and destitute people, and helps them. Abhay Oyun gives them emotional warmth and organizes their lives. From a simple bag of food and a blanket to the construction of nursing homes, homes for children with disabilities, and animal shelters.
The rest of the time he is busy looking for poor families, abandoned, sick, and destitute people, and helps them. Abhay Oyun gives them emotional warmth and organizes their lives. From a simple bag of food and a blanket to the construction of nursing homes, homes for children with disabilities, and animal shelters.
The rest of the time he is busy looking for poor families, abandoned, sick, and destitute people, and helps them. Abhay Oyun gives them emotional warmth and organizes their lives. From a simple bag of food and a blanket to the construction of nursing homes, homes for children with disabilities, and animal shelters.
Abhay Oyun often becomes a participant in large conferences, which many people attend. The organizers of such meetings feel his kind and strong heart. The Master gives people hope, strength, and inspiration to make this world more harmonious and happier!
The rest of the time he is busy looking for poor families, abandoned, sick, and destitute people, and helps them. Abhay Oyun gives them emotional warmth and organizes their lives. From a simple bag of food and a blanket to the construction of nursing homes, homes for children with disabilities, and animal shelters.
The rest of the time he is busy looking for poor families, abandoned, sick, and destitute people, and helps them. Abhay Oyun gives them emotional warmth and organizes their lives. From a simple bag of food and a blanket to the construction of nursing homes, homes for children with disabilities, and animal shelters.
The rest of the time he is busy looking for poor families, abandoned, sick, and destitute people, and helps them. Abhay Oyun gives them emotional warmth and organizes their lives. From a simple bag of food and a blanket to the construction of nursing homes, homes for children with disabilities, and animal shelters.
Master Abhay Oyun about his mission:
The time of solitude and seclusion has passed, now there is a period in my life when, through the knowledge of the Sampo System, I will actively help our World to change, become better, kinder, and cleaner.
To all my friends in 36 countries which I have visited, and to the whole Earth I wish: Peace and happiness to you. Love you!
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
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